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  1. #3341
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Floating Anchor Shoals


    Built far more houses and done alot of social things, where have you guys been been ? For example Minimum wage increasing, lots of child poverty improvements, changing the property speculators LAQC's etc etc.lots more to come. You know that, cant be that ignorant or maybe you are.Blind freddie .
    Last edited by Joshuatree; 20-02-2020 at 10:21 PM.

  2. #3342
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Feb 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuatree View Post
    Built far more houses and done alot of social things, where have you guys been been ? For example Minimum wage increasing, lots of child poverty improvements, changing the property speculators LAQC's etc etc.lots more to come. You know that, cant be that ignorant or maybe you are.Blind freddie .
    Simple example - Housing.

    The Labour Party hammered the previous government on housing, accusing them of presiding over a crisis of rising unaffordability, falling home ownership, and growing homelessness. Mr Twyford said housing policies were a social and economic disaster.

    Kiwibuild - disaster.

    Home affordability - worse.

    No of homeless and on state waiting list - more than ever before.

    Keeping house prices down - going up to new highs.

    Capital gains tax - total and complete backdown by the captain.

    Clamping down on speculators - land prices going up again through the roof.

    Who is trying to fool who?

    Let's Do This! Yup - Cindy has done it - completely failed to deliver.

  3. #3343
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    Wellington, New Zealand


    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuatree View Post
    Built far more houses and done alot of social things, where have you guys been been ? For example Minimum wage increasing, lots of child poverty improvements, changing the property speculators LAQC's etc etc.lots more to come. You know that, cant be that ignorant or maybe you are.Blind freddie .
    Throwing money at stuff does not fix things. Look at Africa for a shining example.

  4. #3344
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    Down & out


    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuatree View Post
    Built far more houses and done alot of social things, where have you guys been been ? For example Minimum wage increasing, lots of child poverty improvements, changing the property speculators LAQC's etc etc.lots more to come. You know that, cant be that ignorant or maybe you are.Blind freddie .
    My view is that the minimum wage increases have gone too far. It is killing many businesses. One good example is a friend who has run a successful backpackers for many years, relying on young foreign travellers as customers and often part time staff, while traversing the country and often working on farms and orchards. Well, they've all but stopped coming due to NZ becoming very expensive. He reckons his industry is down 25% this year and reckons the minimum wage increases on 1 April will be the final nail in the coffin. It just isn't sustainable. Again, Cindy and her motley crew of incompetents just do not understand what life is all about for real people.

  5. #3345
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by iceman View Post
    My view is that the minimum wage increases have gone too far. It is killing many businesses. Again, Cindy and her motley crew of incompetents just do not understand what life is all about for real people.
    They have never had to work ever in the real business world and create productive jobs.

    They spent their whole life sucking on taxpayers' money in 'public' service and think that's how everyone should live.

    Quote Originally Posted by blackcap View Post
    Throwing money at stuff does not fix things. Look at Africa for a shining example.
    Yup, Cindy believes in creating demand for welfare services and treat that as creating opportunities and providing equality.

    Wellingtonians always look forward to Labour coming into power.

  6. #3346
    always learning ... BlackPeter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuatree View Post
    Built far more houses and done alot of social things, where have you guys been been ? For example Minimum wage increasing, lots of child poverty improvements, changing the property speculators LAQC's etc etc.lots more to come. You know that, cant be that ignorant or maybe you are.Blind freddie .
    Actually - you might be poorly informed. As well - calling fellow posters names just shows that you run already a long time ago out of arguments. Do you really want to get down to this level again?

    Though you are right mentioning the minimum wage, it is clearly out of control. Already in 2019 was New Zealand the country with the third highest minimum wage in the world. Only Luxembourg and Australia have still higher minimum wages - and they both can/could afford it (well, Luxembourg still can as financial hub and Australia could due to its mining income - their economy just starts to crack). New Zealand is neither a financial hub and related to mining - didn't our glorious government just shut that down?

    Given that our companies have to compete on the world stage against competitors with significantly lower minimum wages will this government be remembered as the people responsible for turning the trend in unemployment and poverty. Expect both to go up thanks to quite stupid decisions of this government (of which the minimum wage is only one - add the ban on oil drilling and just recently a ban on some of our most profitable tourist and foreign students ... the list is endless.

    Our bureaucracy is getting out of control without adding any benefit to the population ... and Kiwi build was a disaster. The government promised 10,000 new houses per year and delivered - what was it - some hundred? ... and even those have not been build but purchased off the market (i.e. not newly created). What a joke.

    Child poverty actually increased under Labour and is now at the highest rate ever (
    While Cindy might have good intentions, good intentions are unfortunately not enough. She has neither a plan (other than to create more and more expensive but absolutely useless debating clubs) nor any competent people to implement Labors perhaps nice sounding ideas. They say the way to hell is plastered with good intentions. That's where our current government will bring us if we don't stop them.
    Last edited by BlackPeter; 21-02-2020 at 08:32 AM.
    "Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future" (Niels Bohr)

  7. #3347
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    And in case we forget, Cindy & Winston were going to cut back on immigration numbers drastically - down to 10,000 per annum.

    Well, here we are in 2020 and net migration numbers have been running at between 46,100 to 50,000 per annum.

    They have no idea whatsoever of what is happening in the real world but are very quick to blame and target those who cannot retaliate for NZ's structural problems.

  8. #3348
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    "Ardern says she has no idea what she will do next. “Absolutely zero plan B. But actually that’s not new,” she adds. “That’s always been my way of being. It’s probably how I’ve ended up in politics.”

    That is leadership?

    No idea what she will do next!

  9. #3349
    Join Date
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    Sth Island. New Zealand.


    Quote Originally Posted by iceman View Post
    My view is that the minimum wage increases have gone too far. It is killing many businesses. One good example is a friend who has run a successful backpackers for many years, relying on young foreign travellers as customers and often part time staff, while traversing the country and often working on farms and orchards. Well, they've all but stopped coming due to NZ becoming very expensive. He reckons his industry is down 25% this year and reckons the minimum wage increases on 1 April will be the final nail in the coffin. It just isn't sustainable. Again, Cindy and her motley crew of incompetents just do not understand what life is all about for real people.
    That minimum wage thing is tricky. It feeds through all wage levels - not just minimums. At what stage does it become inflationary and therefore self defeating? Because when it does - nobody is better off. There is definitely a case for setting minimum wage levels when there is full employment, but in a competitive labour market, the market will sort it out better than any band of bureaucrats.

  10. #3350
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Labour and Greens completely spineless - a good thing actually as we head towards September.


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