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  1. #11
    Permanent Newbie
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by peat View Post
    in my opinion the govt is causing the pain, the RBNZ cannot fix it, but the govt can.

    There is no evidence to support the lockdown.
    The entire world has shut down without a shred of evidence to support it? Possibly the results in countries such as Italy, Spain and now possibly the US would indicate some sort of evidence in support of the lock down?

    Are we to assume just about the entire world leadership from China to the US to NZ have locked down everything on a whim without any evidence?

    Or are you suggesting the cure may be worse than the disease or possibly you don't give a s**t about old people dying. You and blackcap might be right but we will never know as just about the whole world has decided a lock down is the best option. I thought the UK was going to go with the herd immunity but they changed their minds for some reason. Either they flipped a coin and changed their minds or they were presented with some evidence that a lock down and social distancing was a better option. There is pain either way physical or financial it depends what is most important to you people or money?

    If the lock down pricks the debt bubble that will ensure additional economic pain but if the virus was allowed to spread exponentially the eventual drop off in customers may have had as big an economic impact anyway. a 2% loss of customers plus a likely reduction in people going out anyway.

    Sorry I might be getting off topic.
    Last edited by Aaron; 02-04-2020 at 04:33 PM.


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