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  1. #3631
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post
    Before you get on your high horse and mouth off more platitudes, know this :

    Cindy did wear the hijab initially as a sign of respect for another religion & culture subject to a horrific terrorist incident and she was applauded widely for it. Bravo.

    She continued to wear it however even after an Iranian group pleaded with her not to do so any further as it is a sign of oppression - why?

    Because Cindy thought she was on to a real winner and that was more important to her than the plea NOT to pander any further to the oppressive nature of the hijab in certain Muslim countries.

    Now, BP, get off your high horse and get real about what Cindy is all about - all spin & no delivery.
    The real problem is not that Jacinda wore a headscarf as a mark of respect, it is that men, muslim and others, think they have the right to control women and tell them what they can wear, and deny women choice. And some men even make ridiculous statements about what they think her intentions when wearing the headscarf to paint her in a bad light to validate their misogynist views. Same old sexist behaviour of men thinking they have the right to define women’s experiences.

  2. #3632
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    Quote Originally Posted by fungus pudding View Post
    First thing every morning I have a peek in the mirror to ensure I've still got a life - and so far I have. Yes, I do not use Maori as a plural - even though most dictionaries now accept it as an alternative. I'm surprised you do, as you seem to be a fan of the letter 's', even going to the trouble of twice jamming an extra one into 'occasion' -

  3. #3633
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    Quote Originally Posted by davflaws View Post

  4. #3634
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    Quote Originally Posted by moka View Post
    The real problem is not that Jacinda wore a headscarf as a mark of respect, it is that men, muslim and others, think they have the right to control women and tell them what they can wear, and deny women choice. And some men even make ridiculous statements about what they think her intentions when wearing the headscarf to paint her in a bad light to validate their misogynist views. Same old sexist behaviour of men thinking they have the right to define women’s experiences.
    And Cindy played right into their hands - showing just how clueless she really is and is so pre-occupied with spin rather than substance & delivery.

    Excerpt from the article quoted :

    "Among the audience were many minor girls. I saw them and remembered a short conversation I once had while transiting at Dubai International Airport. When the man noticed I was looking at his hijab-ed toddler, he asked me if I had children. I said I didn't, and he volunteered that once I'd had a baby girl, I should teach her to cover her hair at a very early age.

    "But isn't observing hijab only expected of Muslim females when they hit puberty?" I asked. The man laughed at my naivety, and said: "That's true, but it is best that you make them get used to it in early childhood. Let it grow with and on them while they are easy to control."

    His wife, who happened to be sitting next to him, listened to us without uttering a word. I couldn't see her facial expressions as her black burqa had them completely covered.

    I wonder how many of the young attendees from Zayed College for Girls have actually chosen to veil. And how many of them would be allowed to take it off, if they so wished. I hope the next time Jacinda Ardern feels tempted to appear in a headscarf, she takes a moment first to consider that she could well be sending the Muslim girls of New Zealand, and the world, the wrong message."

  5. #3635
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    Quote Originally Posted by FTG View Post
    Is it well considered, measured & responsible use of $120M (just pause and look at the number, it's eye watering!) of current & future taxpayers money?
    Definitely not. Even a Skunk would have a better chance of passing that sniff test!
    I'm not sure how you're trying to paint me, maybe I'm reading more into it than there is, but I made a simple comment - not an agreement (or not) with any policy.

  6. #3636
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    “But there was nothing to boost the flagging spirits of the good foot soldiers. Just more money being spent on people who are unable or unwilling to follow the road map out of this mess.”

    So Clueless Cindy has not been to Auckland once since the latest lockdown (hard and sharp and long). The optics of Aucklanders showing her the middle finger would not look good, would it on prime time TV?

  7. #3637
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post
    “But there was nothing to boost the flagging spirits of the good foot soldiers. Just more money being spent on people who are unable or unwilling to follow the road map out of this mess.”
    Yes - she's a bit like a child really.
    Nothing for me, wave arms, have tantrum.
    Adults can usually see the bigger picture.

  8. #3638
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    Quote Originally Posted by dobby41 View Post
    I'm not sure how you're trying to paint me, maybe I'm reading more into it than there is, but I made a simple comment - not an agreement (or not) with any policy.
    I wasn't painting you with any colour dobby. There's no need.

    What I was doing however was clearly voicing distaste for the Labour Govt making yet another loose & poorly considered fiscal decision. Basically not treating current & future taxpayers money with the respect that it deserves. In fact a total disrespect, and another example of expensive token gesture politics.

    Giving further perspective, let's say the $120M was instead invested in NZ's health system, for the longer term, rather than providing some sort of a sugar hit for a small % of the population. A system that provides healthcare for all New Zealanders (regardless of ethnicity). We would then be able to pay for an additional....

    570 fully qualified & experienced nurses for the next 3 years!
    Success is a journey AND a destination!

  9. #3639
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    Does any understand what ‘Maori’ are whinging about in regards to the vaccination roll-out? They really just need to STFU and get on with it. We are all NZers!! Asian NZers very quickly went and got themselves vaccinated at very high rates, without foot-dragging, without demands for special treatment, without any of this brattish carry-on. The vaccine is free, the vaccine is widely available throughout the country. No-one has been left out in the cold, everyone has the same access to the vaccine. Stop with the constant bitter greviance mentality about absolutely every aspect of life and just get on with it.

  10. #3640
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    Quote Originally Posted by Logen Ninefingers View Post
    Does any understand what ‘Maori’ are whinging about in regards to the vaccination roll-out? They really just need to STFU and get on with it. We are all NZers!! Asian NZers very quickly went and got themselves vaccinated at very high rates, without foot-dragging, without demands for special treatment, without any of this brattish carry-on. The vaccine is free, the vaccine is widely available throughout the country. No-one has been left out in the cold, everyone has the same access to the vaccine. Stop with the constant bitter greviance mentality about absolutely every aspect of life and just get on with it.
    A cabinet packed with assertive & aggressive Maori ministers, who have showed themselves completely useless when it comes to helping the government get Maori on board the vaccination campaign.

    Remember fighting COVID is the stated no 1 priority of this government and really, the only thing it has done in power of any consequence to the betterment of all NZers.

    So WTF have they been doing, outside of pressuring (& getting their way) Clueless Cindy to keep dishing out race based policies & $$$$ to benefit and favour one race?

    The $120m* to ‘assist’ in getting Maori vaccinated is no more than another prime example of the ‘handout’ welfare mindset of a section of the Maori population, used now to Cindy bending over to accommodate their every wishes.

    “From hāngi and vouchers, walk-in clinics and vax buses, partnerships with iwi, local communities and businesses, communities going door-to-door, vaccinations on sports fields and at kura and many more initiatives - we’ve seen what works and this fund will support more of it,” Peeni Henare said.

    Northland Maoris for example are going into daily, weekly and special weekend draws to win prizes ($6,000 travel packages, $100 prezzie cards etc) when they get vaccinated. Strange how 80+% of NZers did not need any incentive to get vaccinated? Just as $$$ can make taniwha go away, $$$$ can also suddenly make Maori want to get vaccinated.

    A bunch of nincompoops led by a spin mistress hell bent on retaining power des[pite delivering bugger all - that’s the government NZ has today.

    *Remember the $120m to fix maraes election bribe which created 150 jobs instead of the 3,000 jobs promised? Wonder where all that lovely $$$ went?
    Last edited by Balance; 24-10-2021 at 07:19 PM.


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