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  1. #3641
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Feb 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by FTG View Post
    Yes, we could do that. But surely Maori don't want to be sitting on another gravy train that ultimately leads to a dead end?

    Agreed, $120,000,000 is certainly a mighty big trainload of money.

    ...and of course let's remember, this is additional to the 'vaccine rollout' monies already being budgeted & getting spent/invested by the Govt. Plus, additional to the all monies being invested by Iwi & NGO's to also assist in achieving the desired outcomes amongst Maori.

    The stated purpose of the additional $120M spend is to assist Maori in getting the unvaccinated Maori actually vaccinated.
    With respect Dobbie, it is far more than $150 per person. So what would a slightly more accurate per person cost be I hear you ask.

    First up, 25% of the 850,000 Maori population are under 12 yrs old. Meaning for now we are now actually talking a maximum group size of 640,000.

    Secondly & importantly when looking at that eligible group, we know that 48% of those have already achieved the desired outcome by being double jabbed.
    (Plus an additional 20% have just the first dose, so they are already on the way to achieving the desired outcome).

    I don't need to spell it out, so I'll let you do the numbers, but I'm sure even a yr 10 student could work it out & see it is significantly more than $150 for each person.

    Is it well considered, measured & responsible use of $120M (just pause and look at the number, it's eye watering!) of current & future taxpayers money?
    Definitely not. Even a Skunk would have a better chance of passing that sniff test!
    Work through your numbers :

    850,000 Maori of which 75% are eligible = 637,500

    Of the 637,500, 68% have received their first & second doses so 204,000 left to be vaccinated.

    $120m to be spent on getting 204,000 vaccinated = $588 per Maori.

    WTF is going on in NZ?

  2. #3642
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post
    A cabinet packed with assertive & aggressive Maori ministers, who have showed themselves completely useless when it comes to helping the government get Maori on board the vaccination campaign.

    Remember fighting COVID is the stated no 1 priority of this government and really, the only thing it has done in power of any consequence to the betterment of all NZers.

    So WTF have they been doing, outside of pressuring (& getting their way) Clueless Cindy to keep dishing out race based policies & $$$$ to benefit and favour one race?

    The $120m* to ‘assist’ in getting Maori vaccinated is no more than another prime example of the ‘handout’ welfare mindset of a section of the Maori population, used now to Cindy bending over to accommodate their every wishes.

    “From hāngi and vouchers, walk-in clinics and vax buses, partnerships with iwi, local communities and businesses, communities going door-to-door, vaccinations on sports fields and at kura and many more initiatives - we’ve seen what works and this fund will support more of it,” Peeni Henare said.

    Northland Maoris for example are going into daily, weekly and special weekend draws to win prizes ($6,000 travel packages, $100 prezzie cards etc) when they get vaccinated. Strange how 80+% of NZers did not need any incentive to get vaccinated? Just as $$$ can make taniwha go away, $$$$ can also suddenly make Maori want to get vaccinated.

    A bunch of nincompoops led by a spin mistress hell bent on retaining power des[pite delivering bugger all - that’s the government NZ has today.

    *Remember the $120m to fix maraes election bribe which created 150 jobs instead of the 3,000 jobs promised? Wonder where all that lovely $$$ went?
    You are kidding me. $6000 travel packages. We are being fleeced and hoodwinked left, right, and centre. All thanks to the weak & gormless ricks who voted for this utter circus.

  3. #3643
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    If the british don't like it then it seems the trade deal is good for us.

  4. #3644
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    Oct 2019


    "Be kind". Imagine that, you don't have to work, get a house and can do whatever you want. Who wouldn't want life like that.

  5. #3645
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by peetter View Post
    "Be kind". Imagine that, you don't have to work, get a house and can do whatever you want. Who wouldn't want life like that.
    And Cindy wants to breed even more of them - more votes for her.

  6. #3646
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    Quote Originally Posted by peetter View Post
    "Be kind". Imagine that, you don't have to work, get a house and can do whatever you want. Who wouldn't want life like that.
    Welcome to Labour’s new New Zealand.
    Where are the (woke) police while all this is going on?
    Law-abiding ordinary Kiwi’s have their lives utterly destroyed while the weak and gormless PTB sit on their thumbs and make umpteen excuses why they can’t take action.

    ‘The man said the situation had affected their physical and mental wellbeing. His partner was in tears when the Herald called and he had developed chronic insomnia, post-traumatic stress disorder, and hyper-sensitivity to music.‘

  7. #3647
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    Quote Originally Posted by Logen Ninefingers View Post
    Welcome to Labour’s new New Zealand.
    Where are the (woke) police while all this is going on?
    Law-abiding ordinary Kiwi’s have their lives utterly destroyed while the weak and gormless PTB sit on their thumbs and make umpteen excuses why they can’t take action.

    ‘The man said the situation had affected their physical and mental wellbeing. His partner was in tears when the Herald called and he had developed chronic insomnia, post-traumatic stress disorder, and hyper-sensitivity to music.‘
    I think the problem is that do gooders will never acknowledge that some people actually deserve to be homeless living under the bridge. There's plenty of lazy people that would get of their ass in case this was a real option, but as long as there's the safety net of state housing and benefits no matter how badly they behave, they'll just keep on doing whatever they like living of taxpayer money.

  8. #3648
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    Quote Originally Posted by Logen Ninefingers View Post
    Does any understand what ‘Maori’ are whinging about in regards to the vaccination roll-out? They really just need to STFU and get on with it. We are all NZers!! Asian NZers very quickly went and got themselves vaccinated at very high rates, without foot-dragging, without demands for special treatment, without any of this brattish carry-on. The vaccine is free, the vaccine is widely available throughout the country. No-one has been left out in the cold, everyone has the same access to the vaccine. Stop with the constant bitter greviance mentality about absolutely every aspect of life and just get on with it.
    The tax cuts of the past 30 years and bare-bones funding of public services have helped destroy what was probably a more unified NZ population. Perhaps we can no longer can we expect the blind loyalty of the disadvantaged to government policies? A public health crisis has exposed these cracks in contemporary NZ, that had been growing for decades.

  9. #3649

  10. #3650
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bjauck View Post
    The tax cuts of the past 30 years and bare-bones funding of public services have helped destroy what was probably a more unified NZ population. Perhaps we can no longer can we expect the blind loyalty of the disadvantaged to government policies? A public health crisis has exposed these cracks in contemporary NZ, that had been growing for decades.
    Here we go: tax cuts. In your next post you’ll be raving about ‘neoliberalism’ - I’m surprised you restrained yourself from mentioning it in that one. They’ve simply borrowed / printed Billions since the GFC so it’s neither here nor there to talk about tax cuts - the eye-watering spending continues unabated no matter what level taxes are at. We live in a country where the government can suddenly pull $120 million out of thin air to spend on Maori vaccinations, we live in a country where the government can suddenly QUADRUPLE (to $1.3 Billion) the amount of ‘climate cash’ it gives to poor nations.

    How much had GST taken in since it was introduced btw?


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