Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post
How pathetic for you to come out to try & defend BS’s attempt at misinformation and then, deflection. Sad!

Try harder as the majority of NZers simply have had enough of the deflections and misinformation coming out of Ardern’s camp.

Remember Hipkins’ episode with Charlotte Bellis? That’s how low you lot are stopping down to in desperation as the Ardern star implodes into the dust cloud of spin, bull and non delivery for which her government is now synonymous with.


Former Covid-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins made false statements about Charlotte Bellis despite officials discussing the correct information prior, before taking nearly six months to correct the public record.

The personal information Hipkins shared & made a mistake with was mixing up the dates when she was in which country, UK or Belgium & Afghanistan.
He had rather a lot on his plate at the time dealing with some major portfolios.
Secondly, he couldn't apologise publicly any earlier because he was respecting Charlotte Bellis insisting she would determine the date he could make a public statement & apologise.
Why are you still getting so incensed & inflamed about it?
The matter was all sorted, Charlotte Bellis is fine.